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徐州华顿国际学校:携手共育 共促发展——高二高三家长会
信息来自:彭城教育网    发布时间:2021-12-31 10:51:00    阅读量:15856次


  Every success and every breakthrough in a child's life are inseparable from the joint efforts of the school and parents. In order to further strengthen the exchange and communication between parents, pupils and the school, parents were invited to Walton International on December 17, the parents, students and all teachers of G11&12 gathered together to attend a meaningful parents' meeting. It is our hope that by being invited into the students' life in school. parents can better understand the school, the teachers, and above all their children.


  The parents' meeting kicked off with the beautiful singing voices and colorful performances of a mixture of students from grade 10-12. The parents experienced the progress and growth of the children in their energetic performance. At the same time, the teachers selected outstanding student representatives of learning, art, sports, and other extra-curricular aspects to be awarded for their hard work. This affirmed the performance of the students in all areas and their dedication to the collective, as well as putting forward higher expectations for the students to encourage them to continuing working hard and make even greater progress in the future.


  While urging students to learn, the teachers of the International High School are also constantly evolving and honing their craft, in order to be able to continue to provide the best support and education to our students.


  A final surprise was presented in the form of a video from Walton Alumni who sent their blessings and expectations to students. Then, the director of the International High School Department, Xu Lin, and Foreign Director, David, gave a detailed report to parents on schoolwork, class activities and students' performance. These times of reflection are beneficial to students and teachers so that they can re-double their efforts and make as much progress as possible. Finally, parents were not only given some specific, targeted advice, but also the opportunity to discuss, ask questions, and make suggestions on school management.

  This Parents’ Open Day was a fully collaborative effort between parents and High School members and allowed an important glimpse into our high school life. We believe that by involving parents and students together we can better understand each other, set goals, and witness the growth and progress of our students. We hope that with close cooperation between the home and school, students can achieve greater success in learning and life!










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